Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Au Revoir, Paris!

I had such a fantastic time visiting my daughter in Paris and wanted to show just a few more of my pictures that I shot while there!  You'll see the usual tourist sites, but you may see some things you haven't seen before!

A trip back to Paris will definitely be in my future!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Writing to you from Paris

I arrived in Paris yesterday morning and am having a wonderful time here with my daughters! Yesterday we explored the local neighborhood which includes Sacre Coeur. I went to a piano store and gave a little 15-20 minute mini-recital which was lots of fun...mostly Chopin. Today we went to the Louvre and saw so many beautiful paintings, sculptures and objets d'art. It was great! After that, my daughter took us on a tour of the American security!

Tomorrow a.m. we leave for Ireland for the week-end to investigate Cashel, home of the Cashes. Will try to post some pictures in my travelogue next week! Until then...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chantdoc leaving for Paris in a few hours!

In just about 5 hours I'll be leaving this beautiful city of Louisville, KY, named for King Louis XIV, to travel to Paris, France! I'll be meeting two of my daughters there and we're going to have such a wonderful time! I haven't really had an extended visit there for over 20 years and I'm so looking forward to getting back into the Louvre and the Bibliotheque Nationale and Notre Dame. On the week-end we're flying over to Dublin to visit the ancestral home of the Cash Family...a town called Cashel. Let me know if you have travel tips!! Will also be blogging from Paris!